Tuesday, 12 April 2016


Despite our hearts say..NOT THIS... 

sometimes we have to sacrifice for others. Sometimes we have to leave everything on Allah..
 Sometimes He chooses us for others so we can change their hearts, with our extreme patience, love, care and respect. 

Yes I believe in myself, I will remain patient and sacrifice for the one. I know.. no human can reward me, but my reward is greater at Allah's place. heart emoticon

WELL..stay calm n be happy cause this is the turning point..this is exactly the time when we have to turn to Allah..trust Him with all your heart. 

He knows whats best for us..alhamdulillah for all the ups and downs in life

Monday, 11 April 2016

Soooo excited
it's a must-have

Unique n latest edition.......

ada orang kata jadi perempuan nih susah.....hmmm!!!!!!!
jadi perempuan nih susah....sebab
kena tutup sana .....
tutup sini.....
aurat kena sentiasa jaga....
tp hakikatnya.....
benda yg ditutup rapi sgt berharga....
mutiara kalau didedahkan akan hilang harganya.....
jadi perempuan nih susah sebab.....
kena ikut semua cakap suami....
tp hakikatnya....
si suami kena dahulukan ibunya....
ibu kan perempuan!!!!!!
jadi perempuan nih susah....sbb
anak lelaki dpt lebih banyak harta....
perempuan bila dpt harta hanya utk dirinya sendiri....
tp lelaki hrt itu terpaksa digunakan utk saudara prmpuanyya dan ibunya...
jadi perempaun nih susah sbb....
NAFSU BESAR .....ada macam macam
Nak HANDBAG yang macam2.... komfem tak kena marah dgn mak atau suami...
warna dan saiz byk MURAH dan CANTIK ..
..follow ..jangan tak follow


When you've finally found the true meaning of this life and your heart's in the right place, you'll be happy keeping a low profile. 


When you're looking for something so unique, and you start to think maybe you'll never find it, put your hope in Allah. Don't let your fear make you settle. In Allah, nothing is impossible.

 (Yasmin Mogahed)

The heart is the most resilient organ we have. It can be crushed. It can be shattered. It can be stabbed. It can even have essential parts of it amputated, due to necessity. And yet, it can survive. It can regrow. And remake itself, again and again and again. 
This is the miracle of the heart.


Miliki hati yang tidak pernah membenci
Senyuman yang tidak menyakiti
Kasih sayang yang tidak pernah berakhir


Marriage. No-one said it would be easy but no-one said it would be amazing too ....

smile emoticon Sometimes our partners can annoy us and sometimes we can annoy our partners too.

No-one is perfect 

So why demand perfection when we are not perfect ourselves. Marriage is for fighters so when you're going through a tough time, fight for your marriage. Remember you said yes to that person one day. 

Don't quit, and if then things don't work out then Allah knows best but make the effort at least. Tonight let's make a dua for all those married couples experiencing marital issues. 

May Allah make it easy on all of you. 


Stop always wanting to please and not disappoint others. Sure, you may disappoint others, but their disappointment is totally irrelevant. 
What matters are your standards for yourself. What matters is how you feel about yourself. Being disappointed with yourself is useless, unless it is attached to an intention to take action and create personal change. 

What matters is if you can see yourself. You can't move forward unless you can see yourself. You can't move forward with the same poor vision and inner-dialogue that put you where you are now. See yourself honestly. 
Set new and better standards for yourself. Do it for you, to please yourself, and with absolute disregard for other's approval or acceptance. Cast out your negative self-talk and limiting beliefs. 
A pessimist's first position is doubt and they are surprised if they succeed. 

An optimist's first position is confidence and they are surprised if they fail. 

Quit making excuses, quit denigrating yourself and quit lying to yourself about your lack of ability. 

Tell the truth; you can, you will and you are. You are not going to move forward unless you firmly commit yourself to change. You must be stubborn about what you can do, not stubborn about why you can't.
 Be adamant about your standards.

 To really change requires violating certain parts of yourself, cooperating with other parts, and creating new behaviours. 
What are you waiting for? 

Empowerment happens when you face the 

profound responsibility you have for your own 

By being beautiful and kind you are doing your part to create a more beautiful world. 
When you are kind to people in public you become a force for good, and you are teaching everyone who is watching you. 

People know love when they feel it; your heart speaks to their heart. People don't care what you say, only how you make them feel, so try to create pleasure for every person you encounter. If you do this, your life will change forever, along with the lives of those you have touched. We are both thinking and feeling creatures. 

We must, therefore, devote our lives not only to rationality, but also to kindness. There is no greater intelligence than kindness and empathy. Kindness is the supreme intelligence.
 Let your brilliance be expressed through kindness. If you can be kind to people, you will be a genius in this world.

Bryant McGill 

Be kind and loving to others. It's about time to start 

ending the negative feelings and actions towards 

other people and the world.

Sunday, 10 April 2016

Hari yang indah

Bahagia itu bermula dengan diri sendiri 
Bukan dengan pasangan 
Bukan dengan kerja
Bukan dengan duit

Hanya dengan ALLAH swt dan diri sendiri 

Akar sebuah kehidupan harus bermula dengan wangi dan hati yang tenang.....
Pelbagai badai  yang melanda harus ditangani dengan hati yang cekal dan memohon agar Allah sentiasa memberi kekuatan untuk melaluinya..

Bahagia bukan milik dia yang hebat dalam segalanya
tapi dia yang mampu temukan hal yang sederhana dalam hidupnya dan tetap bersyukur...